This post is meant to help you think about the reading that you've done so far. Your blog post should use the same format as what you see below. If you'd like you may copy and paste it to your new post and complete the entry.
<Begin with a freewrite about your book. Write non-stop about your book. What have you been thinking about your book since you read last?>
I <am / am not> <verb ending with "-ing" that shows emotion> <Title>, by <Author's First and Last Name> because <Finish this sentence.> An example of what I mean is on page < ___ >. "<Copy a couple of lines or a paragraph from the book.>" I think this is <adjective> because... <Add 1 or 2 sentences>
So far, the <plot / characters / themes> in <Title> reminds me of something important in my life. For me. <Finish this one, then add 3 or 4 more sentences explaining how you see the big idea of this book playing out in your life.>
I <am / am not> looking forward to reading the rest of this book because <Add 2 or 3 sentences explaining why you feel this way.> What's probably going to happen next is <Make predictions about what will happen next to one or more of the characters in your book>
<Begin with a freewrite about your book. Write non-stop about your book. What have you been thinking about your book since you read last?>
I <am / am not> <verb ending with "-ing" that shows emotion> <Title>, by <Author's First and Last Name> because <Finish this sentence.> An example of what I mean is on page < ___ >. "<Copy a couple of lines or a paragraph from the book.>" I think this is <adjective> because... <Add 1 or 2 sentences>
So far, the <plot / characters / themes> in <Title> reminds me of something important in my life. For me. <Finish this one, then add 3 or 4 more sentences explaining how you see the big idea of this book playing out in your life.>
I <am / am not> looking forward to reading the rest of this book because <Add 2 or 3 sentences explaining why you feel this way.> What's probably going to happen next is <Make predictions about what will happen next to one or more of the characters in your book>