Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Grapes of Wrath

During our study of The Grapes of Wrath we will be recording our responses, thinking beyond the text, and considering multiple points of view.  The main themes that will act as our lenses for learning will be: The qualities of leadership that transcend class; Upward mobility within America's class structure depends on access to educational and economic opportunities; and Great leaders can emerge from adversity.

Each student will contribute to the weekly class blog, posting an approximately 250-word response to the week’s readings. I will post prompts and questions at least once a week, but possibly bi-weekly.  You may be asked to post to your blog as a homework assignment in order to engage in the text while the reading is fresh in your mind.  Strive for thoughtfulness and nuance when posting your responses.

The rubric for student blog posting can be found on the class wiki.  I plan on graded your posts via comments to your entries from time to time.  Each graded post will be worth 10 points.

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